Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Tell me a story.

"[A] human being is never reducible to biology. To make that reduction... overlooks a world of emotion, memory, fantasy, and meaning, all of which more directly define a human being than the body pictured on a doctor's skeleton chart of bone and organs," writes Thomas Moore in his book Original Self. (HarperCollins, 2000, 53).

Emotion, memory, fantasy, and story. How do we collect memory and meaning if not through the creation of story? Even small, basic equations (2+3=5) tell a little, comprehensible, memorable story.

Being me, that little equation I intended to choose at random suddenly appears like the story of my life-- me, my husband, our three kids. Therein hangs the tale. Experience, collected into words with meanings assigned, and thus the stories emerge of a life, of a community, of a nation, a world.

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