A big flock of gulls has settled in the valley this morning. They shimmer when they fly in this sunny, windy day. They've been flying low, somewhat wind-shielded, I suspect, by the surrounding hills.
A bald eagle was circling in the earlier, dawning brilliance. They are so independent, contained, powerful, so shiny white and golden, so marvelous and gorgeous, when I see one like that I momentarily forget to take my next breath.
In spite of all the signs of spring, it's below freezing this morning, and that wind is fierce. Yesterday we had lots of rain, and St. Omer's filled its banks. I didn't go by Deer Creek, then. But I am eager to wrap up and stride my way down there today to see what has changed. Everything has changed, of course, but what kind of changes will I be able to notice?
I had written a different entry earlier, and lost it when we lost power. S. was in the shower, and B. was eating breakfast before showering. With our own well and septic, we lose water, of course, when we lose power, so it's bad news all around. We are so dependent on all the "ordinary" parts of our life. We take so much for granted.
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