Monday, January 16, 2012


Forgiveness includes "letting go of a dreamed kind of future," Rev. Lynn said one recent Sunday.

I've long been aware of the notion of naming a potato for every person or situation one needs to forgive and then carrying around those grudge potatoes until the weight and stink of them gets too burdensome to wish to continue. Thus one experiences the way that forgiving another is a gift we give ourselves. Rev. Lynn also spoke of this at some length.

I was less conscious of the notion that in this moment my experienced, actual life is the one I've got, to be savored and lived in, and old dreams let go. I have struggled with less-than-normal energy all my life, and I have laid down dreams because of it.

Forty years ago I did not dream for myself the life I have. By choice and chance, by trial and error and try again my life so far has brought me here. Some parts of my present situation are much better than what I'd imagined decades past. Some dreams remain unfulfilled, some unfulfilled forever. Still, I believe I've forgiven the unfulfilled dream for I say my life is good. I hope you can say the same.

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