Monday, March 12, 2012

Go Read Dr. Richard Beck

Instead of reporting gathering clouds (they are) and leaves tenderly moved today from new growth (so fine to observe new growth directly at hand) I would point you to this blog by Dr. Richard Beck:

I came to Dr. Beck's writings through the eyes of someone who is anti-religious in general and anti-Christian in specific. This person referred to an article in which Beck talks about hypocracy, with some solid modern examples of how Christians could set a better example of kindness and compassion to the world at large. Well, yes.

And it led me to Beck's February 29 blog post (Same Sex Marriage in the Image of God?) about two Christian aruguments-- one against gay marriage, one for gay marriage. I've just now read his series on Freud. I never laughed and loved Freud quite so much, and come away with solid food for thought.

This is a guy I'd go to Texas to meet. Barring that, I'll read his sermons and musings and probably his book.

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