Saturday, June 11, 2011

Some Questions

What, Dear Heart, do you really want?
What do you most deeply desire,
what experiences and life exchanges,
what ways of being in your life?

What will you give up-- at least for the moment and perhaps forever--
in order to follow your deepest desires as you presently understand them?

What life costs will others pay in order for you to follow your desire?
What will others gain if you follow your deepest desire?

What do you desire for your mate?
What does your mate most deeply desire?

How does fulfillment of your desire ripple out to your family, your community, the world?

What are you in charge of; what are you not in charge of?
Yes. So far, I ask these questions, ponder possible answers. I make choices and perceive how choices form a life. Small choices. Will I smile? Who will I notice? What will I notice? What will I intentionally miss? How much will I unintentionally miss? Who and what do I hold dear? How?

What is intention, and how useful? Is intention akin to attention?

What will I miss if I focus on a specific? What will I miss if I do not focus on a specific?

How long will I honor an old promise?

What is the wealth that requires no money?

Trust me: I know nothing.

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